Social Activities

We believe that Extra curricular activities lead to aesthetic development and character building. They also augment creativity and enhance the moral, spiritual and physical growth of our young scholars. Thus, along with academics we aim to provide our students global experiences and the opportunities to grow.
Students of Std.IX and XI are eligible to get training to become RSP Cadets. Classes are conducted on a regular basis by co-ordinators from Traffic Department. It creates an awareness about Road Traffic Rules. The Cadets also get field training near important Traffic Signals. The main aim of the RSP Programme is to instill discipline in the young Cadets.
This exemplary Youth Movement celebrates its tenth year in our school. Students are given training during classes held on a weekly basis. The cadets attend training camps and National Integration camps. Apart from being trained in Rifle firing and Trekking, the Cadets render a lot of social service and thereby imbibe the qualities of Self Discipline and National Spirit.
Cubs and bulbuls is the next lap in the journey towards scouting and guiding after Bunny. Character building is its aim. Instilling self – discipline and thoughtfulness for others, at a tender age, is the major focus, of the activities designed for this group. It prepares the boys and girls to take up bigger tasks in scouting and guiding and also helps in their mental and physical growth. Children learn to be independent and to live life in a disciplined manner.
Children from the Middle School are eligible to join Scouts and Guides, while the children of the Primary Section belong to Cubs and Bulbuls. Classes are conducted for the members regularly whereby training in Leadership and Discipline is given. The members are exposed to the outside world through several activities.
Career counseling programmes are organized for students of Std X & XII to create an awareness and gain information about various career options available for them.